These traditional Dalmatian sweets, known also as pršure or prikle, are made from deep-fried sweet dough. It was a popular, low budget folk desert usually prepared on Christmas Eve.They look like small round-shaped doughnuts. There are many modern versions of this simple sweet with addition of yoghurt, apples, semolina…
Every family has its own version, but the basic recipe is sweet dough made with yeast, raisins and a touch of lemon zest for taste. Plus a bit of rose liqueur, so that the dough doesn’t soak in too much oil.
Regardless the recipe, the best is to eat them lukewarm, sprinkled with little bit of sugar. When cooled down, fritule become rather tough and this makes them less tasty.
Fritule sprinkled with sugar and ready to be served
This traditional Dalmatian recipe is also about fried sweet dough, but made without yeast or baking powder. Hrostule are so crisp that you can hear snaping sound while eating them. The dough is cut into thin stripes, tied into a nod, deep fried and, when finished, sprinkled with caster sugar.
Unlike fritule, this deep-fried dough can stay for several days without losing its quality.
Kroštule can have different shapes, but traditionally the most common are those tied in a knot
Known also as rozada or rožada in Croatia. This tasty desert originates from Spain where it was invented as crema catalana. Similar recipes can be found throughout Europe, such as French crème brûlée, cream caramel in Great Britain or pudim flan in Portugal. Those are custard based sweets with caramel topping. Various versions can include dried fruits, nuts or even soft cheese.
Although all these basic recipes are very similar, there are slight differences regarding the procedure and regarding the ingredients. Some recipes use only egg yolks, some use cream or cornflour in the mixture. But if you like internationally famous recipes such as crème brûlée or cream caramel than you won’t be disappointed with Dalmatian rožata.
According to the original recipe, the cream for rožata is steam cooked than baked in ramekin covered with caramelized sugar. When served, it is turned upside down so the thick sugar sauce goes on the top.
Rožata served in a traditional manner or with a modern twist