The longest cliff in Kornati is the one on island of Mana – 1350 meters long
Most of its outer islands have high cliffs facing the open sea and their total longitude goes up to 7440 meters.
These rock faces are the result of the fracturing and faulting of the Earth’s crust. But the most important process is the erosion. The force of the sea waves adorned these massive surfaces eroding them for millions of years.
Detail of Mana’s crown
In some places in Kornati archipelago underwater cliffs drop down vertically for almost hundred meters (on islands Piškera and Rašip). The highest cliff is the one on Klobučar (82 m), and the longest (above sea level) on island of Mana (1350 m).
All of these cliffs are different, every one of them has specific features. Depending on the amount of light and different times of the day, they change their appearance.
The best way to experience these rock faces is to approach them closely from a boat. In order to do so, the weather conditions must be favorable.
One of our boats under the cliff
It has been protected as a national park in 1980. According to geologists it consists of 147 islands, islets and reefs. This archipelago is 25 km long and 13 km wide with a total surface of 230 square kilometres. The biggest island is Kornat (25.2 km long).
For more information about Kornati archipelago, please take a look at our article: