Certain parts of the world are famous for their twilight hues. Sibenik area and Kornati are great spots to enjoy spectacular twilight colors. If you want to experience beautiful Sibenik archipelago in alluring colours of dusk, just send us a message and we will make a private sunset tour just for your group.
Our favourite few of them for you to enjoy.

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Few facts about great sunsets
Clean air is the key for brightly colored sunrises and sunsets. Red sunsets are often observed from a beach because of the high concentration of salt particles suspended in the air over the sea. These particles effectively scatter light, producing red sunsets. The sunsets or sunrises are also much prettier when there are some clouds since clouds act as a screen reflecting colors.
A bright, red colors at dusk are also a sign of a favorable weather forecast for the next morning.
Why is the sky blue and sunsets are red?
Light that looks white to our eyes actually consists of many different colors. Each color can be thought of as a light wave with a different wavelength (or size). Within the small range of wavelengths (or colors) that we can see with our eyes, the shorter waves are blue and the longer ones are red.
The light waves interact with particles in the air like dust, water droplets, ice crystals and with the tiny gas molecules that make up the air itself. As the light waves bounce in lots of different directions, we say they have been scattered.
Tiny gas molecules of Earth’s atmosphere (mostly oxygen and nitrogen) scatter the blue portion of sunlight in all directions, creating an effect that we see as a blue sky. At sunrise and sunset, when the sunlight travels a long path through the atmosphere to reach our eyes, the blue light has been mostly removed, leaving mostly red and yellow light remaining.
From Optics4Kids