We already wrote about things to do in Sibenik. This time we’ve made a list of some of the attractive places to see, rather close to Sibenik. All the spots are beautiful natural phenomena, worthwhile visiting, especially if you like hiking.
If you decide to visit some of these places on foot, please remember to dress adequately, to bring plenty of water and something to eat.
Torak jezero on river Čikola
A natural phenomenon on the confluence of rivers Čikola and Krka, some 20 km from Sibenik. This is actually a spring, not a lake, 30 meters deep and 150 meters wide. From the small village Goriš there is an official path leading to the belvedere with the breathtaking view. Plus there are tables and benches, so you can take a rest while enjoying the view. From the belvedere you can take the other path leading down to the spring.

Šarena jezera near Knin
Approximately 60 km from Sibenik, close to Knin there are three lakes and two bigger springs. Plus two other small lakes one km up north called Burumska jezera. These lakes have crystal clear water, the average depth is 11 m and they are abundant with fish. The name “šarena” means colorful, due to the constant change of sunlight depending on the time of the day and the sky.

Vransko jezero Nature Park
Situated half way between Sibenik and Zadar this is the largest natural lake in Croatia. It covers an area of 30 km2 with mediterranean and submediterranean flora and rich fauna. The most important parts are lake’s wetland habitats that have high level of biodiversity and the Ornithological reserve. The reserve occupies the northwestern part of Lake Vrana to the very border of the Nature Park, the only preserved part of the former big swamp. This is a heaven for birdwatching – up to 100.000 birds can be seen, there are some 260 bird species out of which 136 are endangered!

River Krupa
One of the most beautiful river canyons in Croatia. A small river, only 17 km long, but with 19 waterfalls! The mix of crystal clear water, lush greenery and harsh stone cliffs is utterly mesmerising. The biggest watrefall is called Deveterac and close beneath it is a pictureque stone bridge called Kudin most. The best way to visit Krupa’s canyon is from the small village Golubić. You can admire the beauty of the canyon from up there or, even better if you like hiking, descend into the canyon and immerse yourself into the beauty of its nature and take a walk across the bridge. River Krupa is a true gem, do not miss a chance to see it!

River Zrmanja
Karst river winding like a snake through 70 km of limestone terrain and throuh 6 canyons. This wild river is ideal for rafing and canoening from Kaštel Žegarski downstream. The best place to take a swim in Zrmanja is in Muškovci.

And last but not least, without Boris Kačan we wouldn’t have all these wonderful photos to show you, so thank you Boris once more!